Increase in Pneumonia-Like Symptoms and Ear Fullness Reported Among H3N2 Virus Patients

 Rising Influenza Cases in India: More Patients Reporting Pneumonia-Like Conditions and Ear Fullness

Increase in Pneumonia-Like Symptoms and Ear Fullness Reported Among H3N2 Virus Patients


Amid the increasing number of influenza cases in the country, doctors have reported that patients infected with the H3N2 virus are showing an increase in pneumonia-like symptoms and ear fullness. Two deaths related to H3N2 have been reported in India, one each from Karnataka and Haryana. The government has issued an advisory to states to be on alert and closely monitor the situation.

Ear Fullness as Additional Symptom

According to doctors, patients infected with the H3N2 virus are experiencing an additional symptom of ear fullness. The feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears is accompanied by a sensation that something is blocked inside the ear. This symptom is more common in young adults and usually occurs around day five or six of the illness. Mayo Clinic explains that ear fullness is caused by blocked eustachian tubes, which run between the middle ear and the back of the nose.

First Deaths Reported in India

India has reported its first two deaths related to seasonal influenza subtype H3N2, one each from Karnataka and Haryana. The Union Health Minister has asked states to closely monitor the situation in view of the rising cases. Young children and the elderly with comorbidities are the most vulnerable groups in the context of seasonal influenza. Karnataka and Haryana have confirmed one death each from H3N2 influenza, according to the Ministry of Health.

Vulnerable Groups

The vulnerable groups in the context of seasonal influenza are young children and the elderly with comorbidities such as cardiac disease, respiratory disease like COPD or bronchial asthma, chronic kidney disease, or those on immunosuppressive therapy like anti-cancer drugs or steroids. These groups are more likely to require hospitalization due to complications from the flu, such as pneumonia-like features and loss of consciousness. Doctors recommend that people in these groups take extra precautions, such as frequent hand washing and wearing masks, especially in crowded places.

Precautions to Take

To prevent the spread of the H3N2 influenza virus and protect oneself from infection, doctors recommend taking the following precautions:

Frequent hand washing: 

Regularly washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can help kill viruses and bacteria on your hands.

Wearing masks: 

Especially in crowded places, wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of the virus from infected individuals.

Avoiding close contact with sick people: 

Try to avoid close contact with people who have flu-like symptoms, as the virus is highly contagious.

Covering your nose and mouth: 

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze to prevent the spread of the virus.

Staying home if you are sick: 

If you have flu-like symptoms, stay home until you have recovered to avoid spreading the virus to others.


The recent increase in H3N2 influenza cases in India has led to an alarming rise in the number of patients reporting pneumonia-like conditions and ear fullness. The flu has claimed the lives of two people in the country so far, with vulnerable groups such as young children and the elderly being at the highest risk. Patients with comorbidities are also at a higher risk of developing serious complications from the virus. It is important for individuals to take precautions such as frequent hand washing, wearing masks, and avoiding close contact with sick people to prevent the spread of the virus. With continued monitoring and public health measures, we can work towards reducing the impact of this influenza outbreak in India.

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